
TARGA Announces ITGW 2010 and GaryCon Auction!

TARGA Announces International Traditional Gaming Week 2010

TARGA is pleased to announce that the International Traditional Gaming Week 2010 will occur on the week of March 21st through March 27th. The week will be kicked off by the fantastic games happening at GaryCon 2 in Lake Geneva and will conclude with a series of games on March 27th, including a Dave Arneson tribute game to be held in New York City. More information on the ITGW 2010 page.

TARGA Announces Pledge-An-Auction Drive

TARGA is organizing the 2010 Pledge-An-Auction drive in support of GaryCon 2 and the Gygax Family Fund for use in funding a memorial statue in honor of Gary. Come join our virtual auction and help us to present a great donation to Luke Gygax at GaryCon 2 this year! Starts on January 25th!


That’s the official announcement.  I’m now thinking about what I want to put up for auction.  Man, I think I have a third copy of Chainmail, or my extra of the Rules Cyclopedia, or maybe something even more obscure.  I’m going to ponder this for a bit….