history · The Morrow Project

Revisiting The Morrow Project

Cover of The Morrow Project Rulebook TM 1-1 3rd Edition, showing the Science, MARS, and Recon emblems.

The Morrow Project is one of my favorite tabletop roleplaying games. Some of this is clearly nostalgia; I played it when I was in college back in the 1980s, and I met my partner Lynn through my gaming group. Some of it is related to my academic and personal study of nuclear war – something we were all afraid of back in the 1980s. It was one of several different post-apocalyptic tabletop roleplaying games produced at in the late 1970s into the early 1980s, including: Aftermath, Gamma World, and Twilight: 2000.

Since then, I have thought several times about running The Morrow Project (TMP). Because of that, I have amassed a sizeable amount of material for a TMP campaign. I have also become a part of the rather dedicated fandom for the game, which has resulted in a lot of online fan material for the game. Because of this, I have gotten to know Chris Garland, who is the current manager of TMP as an intellectual property. TMP is now in its 4th edition, and you can find it here and here.

When I realized I had more than a year’s worth of topics for weekly blog posts, I decided I needed to write those posts, and make that a new element of The Sandbox of Doom, along with my interest in Classic Traveller and Tekumel. Look for updates on Mondays!