
Traveller Tuesday: 1977 Edition Experience

“As characters travel through the universe, they already know their basic physical and mental parameters: their basic education and physical development have already occurred, and further improvement can happen only by dedicated endeavor.  The experience which is gained as the individual character travels and adventures is, in a very real sense, an increased ability to… Continue reading Traveller Tuesday: 1977 Edition Experience


Traveller Tuesday: 1977 Edition Starships

“Worlds orbiting the same star are accessible by inteplanetary travel, including by scheduled liners and by ship’s boats, pinnaces, cutters and even by lifeboats.  Generally, however, interplanetary travel takes long periods of time.  Since most stellar systems have only one major world, interplanetary travel is infrequently used….Worlds orbiting different stars are reached by interstellar travel,… Continue reading Traveller Tuesday: 1977 Edition Starships